Writing Assignment Two

  • Read the selection by David McCullough, Harry Truman: One Tough Son-of-a-Bitch of a Man.  It is on pages 252-265 of Oates and Errico, eds., Portrait of America, 10th Edition.  
  • Write a well-reasoned essay addressing the following question:
    • According to McCullough, what did President Truman feel was his most difficult decision while in office and why?  Was his view of the decision shaped by his idea of the “Lesson of Munich”?
    • Make sure you follow the directions on the Writing Assignment Details handout and the Writing Rubric
    • Your paper is due at 11:59 P.M., Central time, on the date listed on the course schedule, online at the PAWS website in the proper format as a PDF Document.
    • When submitting your paper to the PAWS Dropbox folder, you must include your name, class, and section as the file name.  For example, Jim Smith’s Paper one would be named: Smith, Jim-Paper 1 — 2010-180.  You must also have your name on your paper.  There will be a deduction of five (5) points if you do not label your paper title properly and put your name within the document at the top of the page.