Written Activity 1. Mgmt 362 Organizational Behavior.


Our textbook, pages 8 11, discusses hard and soft skills that we as employees and/or 

employers may be wanting when we are working.  Review this information plus read the article 

Learning as Investing: 7 Skills That Pay Off in Any Job by Scott Young.

Your Written Activity 1 is to compare and to contrast these two (2) references in a concise two 

in around 2 page paper.  The paper will be your view on hard and soft skills needed in the 

workplace.  COVID and remote working is a proper consider for this paper also.  Remember 

that you are taking a critical look at these references and their relationship to this topic.  

Whatever position you take about the topic must be supported in your paper.

I would expect your text and this attachment to be cited and referenced as a minimum in your 

written activity.  Other references may be add.

Learning as Investing: 7 Skills That Pay Off in Any Job