Written Activity #7

Written Activity #7: Guerrilla Anthropology & the “Backfire Effect”

Several weeks ago, Dr. S talked of the “Backfire Effect,” that is, the fact that just “telling the truth” or “showing facts” won’t work with populations and communities who have generated alternate epistemologies.  In a world of fake news, alternative facts, and anti-science political and religious beliefs, what are we to do?  How does one get a message across at all that is based on anthropological data & discourses?  This is our topic for the week.

Objective: To think about emergent controversies, public discourses, and how “truth” is constructed to examine exactly HOW we bring the benefits of bringing anthropological perspectives and methods outside of the academy
Outcome: A discussion of the tactics and methods best utilized for bringing an anthropological approach to wider publics and debates.

First, watch the following video and take notes.

Then, read the following materials.  Both are external links.
1. SAA Archaeological Record 19:5 (8-34)
2. Response from Graham Hancock to SAA

In one post of >500 words, answer the following questions based upon THIS WEEK’S readings:
1. What makes the authors’ arguments successful in the context of their respective “public” topics?  Discuss three specific points.
2. What specific actions or techniques could the authors use/do to ensure their voices are heard and are contributing substantively to the public debates?
3. How could the broad questions addressed in the readings be compared to Fuentes (2012) “myth busting” approach?  Provide a detailed method and hypothesis.

The standard Activities Rubric will be used to grade this exercise.
1. Anthropological Perspectives (4) Exhibits awareness and understanding of ethnocentrism, cultural relativity, contexts, and power in all activities;
2. Course Concepts (4) Directly and appropriately utilizes course terminology in all writing and activities;
3. Examples (4) Describes and utilizes appropriate examples from course materials (readings, films, individual fieldwork, media sources);
4. Follows Instructions (4)  Is this a compare/contrast discussion?  Did you find outside sources if required?  Were you supposed to upload an image?  Follow the directions!!  And put in some effort;
5. Writing, Style, Organization (4)  Writing is always important.  The writing can be indicative of your effort (see #4 above).