Written Assignment


You are being provided with three (3) separate documents that review the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 which went into effect on March 11, 2021. For this assignment you are required to provide three distinct and detailed paragraph discussions reflecting information you learned from these articles, including references to the various articles. I understand that the information is repetitive, but each article addresses it in a little different format and scope. At a minimum, discuss the Act’s impact on FFCRA, COBRA, Unemployment, minimum wage coverage, small businesses and the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.) Each response must reflect that you understand the scope and implications of the many areas where the American Rescue Plan Act comes into play from an employer perspective.

Your fourth response is to be a personal reaction to the information provided and a discussion as to how much of what you read actually applies to COVID-19 versus the economic situations many Americans find themselves in today. There is no wrong answer to this question, but rather an opportunity to reflect critical thinking and policy administration. Feel free also to discuss if there are personal impacts on or for you with this 1.9 trillion stimulus bill.