Years of Chaos and Fail Whales Didn’t Stop Twitter”>Week 12 Discussion ForumCase Synopsis: Years of Chaos and Fail Whales Didn’t Stop Twitter pp. 459-462Read Chapter 14 in your text. Study the Twitter case on pages 459 through 462. Answer the following discussion questions and be sure to respond to at least one other student’s post.Your original post is due no later than Wednesday at 11:59PM and your response must be submitted by11:59PM on Saturday. Discussion Questions:How would you describe Dick Costolo’s personal leadership style?What are Costolo’s sources of power?What behaviors does Costolo appear to engage in?Do you think Costolo is a transformatinal leader? If so in what ways has he been a trnasformational leader? If you do not see Costolo that way why not?Moderated by Student Groups