You are a financial analyst at your health care organization and the executive team is looking to expand and grow by building a new hospital in a nearby city. You have been tasked with choosing the c

You are a financial analyst at your health care organization and the  executive team is looking to expand and grow by building a new hospital in a nearby city. You have been tasked with choosing the city in which your organization is looking to expand, research and understand the healthcare space within that city and the top competing hospitals. From the information that you gather you will create a PowerPoint presentation  you will present to your team and the executive staff.  

Some background information about the healthcare organization:

·      A for profit healthcare organization

·      Majority of reimburesment comes from fee for service contracts, Medicare, and Medicaid

·      Designated as a level one trauma center

·      Specializes in Cardiology, Neurosurgery, and Orthopedics

·      Service mostly privately insured and government insured patients

Week 2Competing Hospital Business Set-up and Patient Population

In this section of the project,  you will first identify the city in which your organiation is looking to expand, then,  identfy and  choose the two  hospitals that your organization would be competing with in the city that you have chose.  In  four to five  PowerPoint slides  address the prompts below.  Remember, your slides must contain at least two scholary resources to support your responses.

·      Identify and describe each of the hospitals business structure; Are the hospitals not for profit, for profit, HMO, etc? What are the defining characteristics that make their business structure different from each other?

·      From a financial perspective, analyze the legal and regulational boundaries that the two hospitals may experience due to the type of business structure. 

·      Identify and describe the different type of services offered and the customer needs that the two hospitals seek to meet.

·      Describe the patient populations that they serve and how their services are tailored to these populations.

Week 3: Competing Hospitals Reimbursement Model

·       Due by the end of Week 3 at 11:59 pm, ET.

Now that you have identified your two competing hospitals and critically evaluated them in your first set of PowerPoint slides, in two to three slides , identify how each hospital receives payment by addressing the prompts below. Your slides must contain at least two scholary resources to support your response. 

·      Identify and describe the reimbursement model each hospital utilizes to receive payment for services rendered. 

·      Identify at least one legal impact that may limit the types of reimbursement models that the hospitals can take part in.

 Week 4:  Population Needs for Healthcare

In your presentation, it will be important for your organization to understand the population within the city that you have chosen and that it would possibly serve. In approximately two to three slides w address the follow prompts with the support of at least two scholarly resources:

·      Describe three to four key features of the population and identify the top five services that you anticipate them needing from a health care organization over the next five – ten years.

·      Evaluate what your organization needs to consider to accommodate the population in the future from a financial and regulatory perspective. 

·      Describe steps your organization will need to take to promote access to health services to ensure distribution of health resources.

 Week 5: Opportunities vs. Challenges

Based on what you have learned overall from your research on the two hospitals that you have chosen, the population of the city, and the services you envision them needing in the future, in two to three PowerPoint slides  address the following prompts: 

·      Analyze what you anticipate being the top two to three opportunities for your organization in this new venture. Describe how these opportunities will benefit your organization overall. For example, think of services that the other organizations may not be strong in providing or a reimbursement model that your organization can take part in that the other organizations do not.

·      Analyze what you anticipate being the top two – three challenges for your organization in this new venture. Describe steps your organization could take to mitigate these challenges over time.

Week 6: Formal Recommendation

In one – two PowerPoint slides formulate a formal recommendation on whether your organization should pursue this endeavor to build a new hospital in the city of your choice. Be sure to address the following:

·      Formulate your formal recommendation to the executive team and describe how you think your organization should proceed.

·      Provide analyses to justify your recommendation based on the research that has been done.