You will be writing a 150-250 word essay SPANISH 102 First, make a list of vocabulary words that would be useful in describing what you did and used to do. Review the keywords linked in your lessons

You will be writing a 150-250 word essay 


  • First, make a list of vocabulary words that would be useful in describing what you did and used to do. Review the keywords linked in your lessons for ideas.
  • Then, make a list of verbs that would be useful to describe your activities. Review the language lab exercises for ideas. At this point, just list the infinitive (unconjugated) forms.
  • Using the lists you just created, and following the template below, make an outline of the major points of your narrative. Think about your childhood. How did you spend time with family and friends over the summer? Now think about how your life has changed. What did you do last summer? What do you want to do this summer?

Type your outline in a word processing program so you can copy/paste it into the text box linked link on the Assessing Your Learning page.

I. Introducción: Tell the reader what you will discuss. Get his/her attention.

II. Párrafo 1: Los veranos de su niñez. List at least 3 different verbs in the imperfect tense to tell the reader what you used to do in the summer. 

a. verbo en el imperfecto 1

b. verbo en el imperfecto 2

c. verbo en el imperfecto 3, etc.

III. Párrafo 2: El verano pasado. List at least 3 verbs in the preterit tense to tell the reader what you did last summer.

a. verbo en el pretérito 1

b. verbo en el pretérito 2

c. verbo en el pretérito 3, etc.

IV. Conclusión: Summarize what you used to do in the summer and what you specifically did last summer. Then, mention one or two things you are going to do, want to do, or are planning on doing this summer. Be sure to use the appropriate verb constructions.