Your Company’s Management of Data and Knowledge section and the Your Company’s Use of the Internet section


For a total of 600 words. Keep the original content and provide a detail explanation by adding 100 words for each sub-heading using evidence base articles and the book Management Information Systems Managing the Digital Firm. Discuss Your Company’s Management of Data and Knowledge section and the Your Company’s Use of the Internet section in your term paper: Please provide 2 additional sources.

Data and Knowledge Section

1. What is your organization’s current use of data management systems (chapter 6), 

2. What problems and difficulties you might face in your organization in regards to data management (chapter 6), 

3. What is your organization’s procedures for collecting, storing, managing, and updating data (chapter 6), and types of knowledge management systems currently used by your organization (chapter 11).

Use of the Internet Section

4. How is your organization affected by the digital economy and what issues they need to consider in regards to doing business in the digital economy (chapter 1),

5. What current messaging and collaboration software and Web 2.0 technologies in use by your organization (chapter 10).

6. What is your company’s use of e-commerce technologies (chapter 10).