2-2 Case Brief: Graham v. Connor and the Use of Force

Prompt: After reading the case, write a brief in which you address the elements listed below. This case brief will help you address the impact of similar decisions in studying your own issue analysis for the final project. Set up your brief as the Sample Case Brief is set up, and include the answers to the questions in the Analysis section of the brief. 1. Facts: State the facts of the case and why the case went to trial. 2. Issue: State what is at issue in the case. 3. Ruling: State the court’s ruling in the case. 4. Analysis: This section contains the bulk of the brief. In your analysis, address the following: a) In this case, what standard did the court use to determine whether the use of force was reasonable? For instance, what did the court say about judging the objective reasonableness of the use of force? b) What perspective did the court use in determining whether the officer acted appropriately in the use of force? What did the court say about using hindsight to determine objective reasonableness? c) What strategies do you believe should be employed to make sure officers are applying the correct amount of force in any given situation? d) Analyze the connection between the issue of use of force and what criminological theory contributed to the understanding—or misunderstanding—of these issues. 5. Conclusion: Conclude the case brief by summarizing your analysis.

Graham V. Connor https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/490/386/