2 pages

Choose one of the following options below to do for a full week, then report on the experience by writing a 2 pages (double-spaced) report.

Option 1: Embrace “failure.” Once per day, tell someone else about something you wanted to succeed in but failed. It could be something from the past or something that happened that day. Be honest in revealing what happened and that it was not what you had hoped or planned.

Option 2: Practice gratitude. Choose a time each day that you will keep a gratitude log. Write 1 thing each day that you are grateful for and why. That is, instead of “I’m grateful for school” you might write “I’m grateful for the chance to go to school and to learn new things, which helps me to be more skilled and contribute to our family income.” Keep in mind the goal to actually feel grateful, not just “checking the box” of having done this assignment. Focusing on your gratitude for people rather than things is especially helpful.

Option 3: Go offline. Spend one waking hour of each day this week “offline.” During this time, do not use your phone, tablet, computer, email, social media, or any form of internet for this one hour of the day. 

Q1. Say something about the experience of doing it (was it hard to do? Or why did you choose that one?). 

Q2. How did this affect you (e.g. in mood, productivity, etc.)?

Q3.  Would you recommend this practice to others? Why or why not?

Q4. How can you relate this exercise to the course materials?