3 Trends In Pharmaceutical Industry And Emerging Issue




Trends in the [Fill in relevant term(s) here] Industry


[Fill in your first and last name]

Your school

[Fill in your course name]

[Fill in instructor’s name]

[Fill in due date]



[Insert a page break after your last line of text so your first page will always be on a new page no matter how much you edit your paper. In Word, go to “Insert” and choose “Page Break”.]











Trends in the [Fill in relevant term(s) here] Industry

This first section (due at the end of Week 2 for a review) consists of the title page, introductory paragraph, Level 1 and Level 2 headings, discussion of three trends, and your references page.  Within your introductory paragraph, introduce your industry and clearly identify the top three trends your research has uncovered.  Remember to use in-text citations  if you are using others’ ideas (Hogan, 2021). Your final sentence should be a transition that leads into the discussion of your first trend in the body of your paper.

Discussion of Three Trends

[Name of Trend #1]

In this section, introduce and discuss Trend #1 in 1-2 paragraphs. Explain how this trend is new to the industry and what it signals for the industry. Note that all paragraphs are indented a tab at 0.5”. Also, all lines are double spaced.The final sentence of this paragraph should lead into the first sentence of the next paragraph. You will have an opportunity to revise this section when you receive feedback from your professor on your draft.

[Name of Trend #2]

In this section, introduce and discuss Trend #1 in 1-2 paragraphs. Explain how this trend is new to the industry and what it signals for the industry. The final sentence of this paragraph should lead into the first sentence of the next paragraph. You will have an opportunity to revise this section when you receive feedback from your professor on your draft.

[Name of Trend #3]

In this section, introduce and discuss Trend #1 in 1-2 paragraphs. Explain how this trend is new to the industry and what it signals for the industry. The final sentence of this paragraph should lead into the first sentence of the next paragraph. You will have an opportunity to revise this section when you receive feedback from your professor on your draft.

An Important Emerging Issue

This section begins with an introductory paragraph that identifies an emerging issue or problem and makes a claim about its significance in your industry.


For the rest of the paper, you will develop an argument that supports this claim (clearly stated in your introduction).  The body paragraphs need to describe and justify your proposed approach to the issue and explain how it relates to how other organizations or experts have addressed the same issue based on their research.  When you present your argument, you should also be prepared to anticipate and refute counterarguments or alternative approaches.  By showing that you understand other approaches and being very clear about how your approach is preferable, you are more likely to make a compelling argument.

Use information from your sources to support your ideas while ensuring that your own voice and ideas are primary in the paper.  Again, be sure to include in-text citations when you are using ideas from your sources.  If you include any quoted material, please include the location of the material as well as the author and year (Hogan, 2021, p. 2). Do not rely on quoted material. This paper should represent your thoughts based on a synthesis of ideas that contributed to your thesis.


Continue to describe and justify your proposed approach to the issue and explain how it relates to how other organizations or experts have addressed the same issue based on research.


Continue to describe and justify your proposed approach to the issue and explain how it relates to how other organizations or experts have addressed the same issue based on research.

You may not have a third theme or may need an additional Level 2 headings for more themes – adjust the template as needed.


Based on the above discussion of three trends and a deeper discussion of an important issue, this section will consist of 1-3 paragraphs that provide conclusions about the trends, the emerging issue, and their overall impact on the direction of the industry. You may discuss areas of uncertainty that require further research, but do not introduce anything new here except to make focused conclusions about the trends and issue based on your synthesis of the ideas from your resources and your own thoughts. Well done!!!

[Insert a page break after your last line of text so your References page will always be on a new page no matter how much you edit your paper. In Word, go to “Insert” and choose “Page Break”.]




Biggs, S., & Nadeau, K. (1992, December). Students with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Presented at Chesapeake Psychological Services to members of Nation’s Capital Area Disability Support Services Coalition. http://www.adult-add.org/study/student/study_study_tips.htm

Booth, R. C. (1998). List of appropriate school-based accommodations and interventions. Highland Park, Ill.: National Attention Deficit Disorder Association. http://www.add.org/content/school/list.htm

General information about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder fact sheet number 19 (FS19). (1999, August). The Academy for Educational Development and the Office of Special Education Programs. http://www.adult-add.org/study/teacher/study_teach_tips.htm

Hallowell, E. M., &Ratey, J. J. (1994). Driven to distraction: Recognizing and coping with

Attention Deficit Disorder from childhood through adulthood. Pantheon Books.

Latham, P. H. (2000). Attention Deficit Disorder in college faculty and students: Partners in education. National Center for Law and Learning Disabilities. http://www.adult-add.org/study/student/study_student_college.htm

Robertson, A. S. (2000). ADD/ADHD: What does it mean for parents and families when their child is diagnosed with this condition? http://www.adult-add.org/medical/research/research_family.htm


Note to students:This template is intended to help you organize the parts of your Trends project so that you build each section as directed.


You will submit a draft to your professor of the first part at the end of Week 2.  This is important!  Use the feedback from your professor to refine your trends section and correct any errors in your reference citations. Then work on the issue of interest, review and edit your work, and submit your completed paper at the end of Week 3.  It you want to send a draft to the writing tutors, build in time to get that feedback and use it for your final.


Please delete all the instructions/notes within this template before submitting your final paper.  In the web version, click the three dots in the upper right corner and select delete thread.  In the desktop version, right click on the comment and select delete.


Good luck!!



Put your title hereas it’s written on your title page. It is a Level 1 heading (centered and bold).  Read more about APA Level Headings (apa.org).


For a refresher, go here: In-Text Citations – APA 7th Edition Citation Examples – LibGuides at University of Maryland Global Campus (umgc.edu) ***This is an excellent website to bookmark for future use!


This is a Level 2 heading (left-justified and bold). Continue this pattern for Trends 2 and 3.


This is where the next section begins.


In this section you will identify an emerging issue or problem within your industry. This could be one of your three trends, or it can be related to the industry.  This section will be around 2-3 double-spaced pages.


To organize this section for your reader, use Level 2 headings (left-justified and bold) to organize information by theme.


See the UMGC Library’s General Rules – APA 7th Edition Citation Examples – LibGuides at University of Maryland Global Campus (umgc.edu) for additional guidance.


An example of a student paper in APA 7 format can be found here: Sample Annotated Student Paper in APA Style.


Remember:  All sources that you use in your paper must be listed here AND cited in the body of your paper.