300-500 words

300-500 words 

  • The original post is substantive, showing depth of knowledge on the topic and requires 2 references. References are from course text or readings.
  • Substantive replies occur under two or more different threads, other than that belonging to you.
  • Response posts to peers’ original postings are respectful, show clear synthesis and evaluation of the content read, and provides depth, breath, or new insight to the topic.
  • All posts are clearly written and contain no APA/spelling/grammatical errors

Answer the following questions in the sequence given or in paragraph form. 

  • Choose one of the 5 Being Habits (Blanchard, et al., 2016, pp.89-129) and discuss how this habit would be lived out in someones life today.
    • What do the authors claim are the benefit of adopting these habits?
    • Which one of the 5 Being Habits do you think is difficult and explain why?
    • Which one of the 5 Being Habits do you think is easiest and explain why?
  • In the book Jesus on Leadership (Wilkes, 1998) the author makes the statement; You will never become a Servant Leader until you first become servant to the Leader. (p.22-23). 
    • Who is the Leader Wilkes (1998) is referring to in this statement?
    • Why is this so hard for people to agree to this idea and why do you think it is important?
  • As you think about becoming a group member for the rest of the semester in this class:
    • What strengths do you bring to the group as a group member in this class? Explain your answer by giving examples of how you have seen your answer to be true.