300-500 words

The original post is substantive, showing depth of knowledge on the topic and requires 2 references. References are from LDRS 300 course text or readings.

All writing are clearly written and contain no APA/spelling/grammatical errors

Use APA Citations for all your sources and include an APA References list. (No Title Page, or other APA formatting is required)  

Spelling and Grammar is important.


Answer the following questions using the course material from LDRS 300.

  1. Think of a time when you were exposed to a new culture different from the culture you were familiar with: What are 2 things you found confusing at first but became familiar with as you learned about the new culture?
  2. According to Jeff Toister (2017) in The Service Culture Handbook: Why is it important that a leader understands the culture of a group, or company?