4-1 Final Project Milestone Two: Risk And Budget













3-1 Final Project Milestone One: Project Introduction, Overview, Tasks, and Resources

Jacob Wright

Southern New Hampshire University

QSO-355: Resource Estimate & Schedule

Professor Duchac

21 May 2023




Table of Contents


  1. Project Overview
    1. Roles and Responsibilities
    2. Scope and Schedule
  2. Tasks
    1. Description
    2. Time
    3. Dependencies
  • Resources
    1. Alignment
    2. Evaluation
  1. Risk
    1. Sources
    2. Strategies
  2. Budget
  3. Schedule




A&D High Tech is a technology business that offers services to clients and small business enterprises and sells computer hardware and accessories. Ted Walter established the business in Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1988. Mr. Walter insisted on providing customers with courteous service, and this principle was at the very heart of the Midwestern culture, where Walter spent his whole life. The corporation has experienced enormous growth in just ten years, bringing in roughly $400 million during the fiscal year 2000. Most of the firm’s early clients were from states in the Midwest, making it primarily a regional player. However, the entrepreneur prepared to expand the business’s reach by catering to the global market.



Project Approach: Explain how the various behavioral and team management techniques, methodology, and task structure will be utilized most effectively to meet the requirements and objectives of the project.

I.                    Project Overview


Introduce the project overview section.Only a couple of sentences are needed.This section should also indicate the below upcoming subtopics.

  1. Roles and Responsibilities
  • CEO, Ted Walter: Provide overall vision and support for the online store project.
  • CIO Matt Webb: Guide technology aspects and ensure alignment with IT strategy.
  • VP of Sales, Jeff White: Provide input on sales and customer requirements.
  • Current project manager, Eric Robertson: Assist with knowledge transfer and support during the transition.

Their duties included:

  • Describing the business requirements
  • Defining the process flows
  • Making the architectural design of the project
  • Making a simple model of the system
  • Develop a structure for how the project’s work will be broken down
  • Estimating the resources needed for each task in the work breakdown structure (WBS)
  • Describing the project’s resources and assigning each task an amount.

Other functional employees include:

  1. Chris Johnson (Project Manager)
  2. RyanNeff (Functional Lead),
  3. Stacy Lyle (Functional Analyst)
  4. Rick Burke (Infrastructure Lead)
  5. Ryan Neff (Functional Lead),
  6. Rick Burke (Infrastructure Lead)


  1. Scope and Schedule


Scope: What is the project scope?Identify the key deliverables that are part of the project scope.Note that the scope statements should include what is in scope as well as specifically call out what other considerations are out of scope.


Schedule: When does the project need to be completed?Describe the timeline for the project.This section of the schedule should only identify a high-level timeline of the major deliverables. A full schedule will be requested later in the project plan.




II.                 Tasks


Introduce the project tasks section.Only a couple of sentences are needed.This section should also indicate the below upcoming subtopics.


  1. Description


Describe the tasks and sub-tasks that will fulfill each of the project deliverables. What impact do the tasks and sub-tasks have on the project schedule? In industry practice it is common to use a work breakdown structure (WBS) Dictionary to capture this information.A sample document and templatehas been provided for this section entitled“WBS Dictionary Template.” You are free to use other templates, tools, or formats to convey the requirements outlined within the Final Project Part I Document as long as you satisfy the rubric requirements.


  1. Time

Analyze the time estimates for task completion. You can complete this section by adding another column to your Task Description—WBS Dictionary Excel spreadsheet. How do the task time estimates impact the project schedule?


  1. Dependencies


Identify dependencies between tasks. In other words, which tasks must be finished before other tasks can be started?Note applicable order/dependencies by adding another column to your Task Description—WBS Dictionary Excel spreadsheet. The new information should be noted for all deliverables that have applicable schedule dependencies.


III.               Resources


Please introduce the resources section.Only a couple of sentences are needed.This section should also indicate the below upcoming subtopics.



  1. Alignment


Align resources to each of the sub-tasks you described. Justify your reasoning for your alignment decisions. In other words, why does the company need the resource types to complete the sub-tasks?In industry practice it is common to use a WBS Resource Alignment to capture this information.A WBS Resource Alignment Templatehas been developed to use for this section.You are free to use other templates, tools, or formats to convey the requirements outlined within the Final Project Part I Document as long as you satisfy the rubric requirements.


  1. Evaluation


Evaluate the company’s resources. Does the company have the resources available to support the project? Are there any areas where the necessary resources may not be available to complete the sub-tasks?











Note: For Milestone Two, complete the following sections of this form and the associated templates as instructed: IV. Risk and V. Budget

IV.              Risk


Introduce the risk section.Only a couple of sentences are needed.This section should also indicate the below upcoming subtopics.

  1. Sources


Identify likely sources of risk for the project.Make sure to consider the project scope, budget, and time.In industry practice it is common to use a risk register to capture this information.A Risk Register Templatehas been developed to use for this section.Note: You may not need all columns of the Risk Register to fulfill this element, but you should be aware of the industry standard for assessing risk, so those columns have been left in the register. Use whatever columns are useful to you in fulfilling the requirements of this critical element. You are free to use other templates, tools, or formats to convey the requirements outlined within the Final Project Document as long as you satisfy the rubric requirements.


  1. Strategies


Determine risk mitigation strategies for the areas you identified. What strategies could you recommend to minimize the impact of the risks you identified?You can use your Risk Register, provided in the prior section, for this section also. You are free to use other templates, tools, or formats to convey the requirements outlined within the Final Project Part I Document as long as you satisfy the rubric requirements.

V.                 Budget


Develop an initial high-level budget based on the individual costs of the project deliverables.In other words, ensure the costs identified in your budget align with the deliverables.In industry practice it is common to use a cost estimating worksheet to capture this information.A Cost Estimating Worksheet Templatehas been developed to use for this section.You are free to use other templates, tools, or formats to convey the requirements outlined within the Final Project Part I Document as long as you satisfy the rubric requirements.


Note: You will complete section VI as part of your final submission of your InitialSchedule and Budget Report.

VI.              Schedule


Create a schedule for the project using your task time estimates and the dependencies you identified.In industry practice it is common to use a Gantt chart to capture this information.A sample document and template has been provided for this section entitled “Gantt Template.” You are free to use other templates, tools, or formats to convey the requirements outlined within the Final Project Part I Document as long as you satisfy the rubric requirements.



Note: For your final submission, you will submit a complete project management plan using this form. All feedback received on milestones should be evaluated and incorporated as necessary. Remove all guiding notes and submit a clean and professional plan as if you were submitting it to upper management.