Reading  this unit, you will explore the processes, resources, and responsibilities that support project quality control.“Control Quality is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality management activities to assess performance and ensure the project outputs are complete, correct, and meet customer expectations.” (PMI, 2017, Glossary, p. 702).One benefit of Control Quality is ensuring project deliverables meet the customer requirements. Each project deliverable must meet the standards, requirements, applicable regulations and standards, or specifications for the deliverable. Reference: PMI. (2017) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (The PMBOK Guide), 6th Edition, Newton Square, PA: PMI.Objectives:

  • Demonstrate how a tool/ technique of the Control Quality process can be used to manage quality for a project.
  • Describe the toosl/techniques used in the Control Quality process.


  • Read, view, and engage with Readings and Resources.
  • Actively participate in Unit Discussion.
  • Complete and submit Unit 4 assignment.

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