Kill the 5-Paragraph Essay | Just Visiting ( is my topic of choice.
Many people don’t realize that Rhetoric and Composition is an entire academic discipline. Numerous universities have entire departments devoted to Rhet/Comp, there are yearly academic conferences and journals published in Rhet/Comp, and, yes, you can get a PhD in Rhetoric and Composition. I have included a number of articles that touch on issues that are discussed, studied, and theorized within the discipline of Rhetoric and Composition.
Within this content folder I have included a number of articles that deal with some aspect of language that Rhetoric and Composition scholars study. For this extra credit opportunity you will read one of the attached articles and write a summary and response. You may submit a maximum of two at ten points each for a total of twenty possible extra credit points. You will only receive the points if you satisfy the following requirements.
Extra credit responses must:
Include a short summary of the issue as presented in the article
Include a well-though out response to this issue
Be clearly organized and well-written
Be at least 500 words
These responses can be semi-formal so you are welcome to use personal experiences to illustrate any of the concepts you wish to engage with but they should also remain critical.