6-1 Milestone Three: Financial Assessment And Resource Planning Brief






QSO 700 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: For the final project, you will create a Product Launch Comprehensive Strategy and Professional Reflection to demonstrate proficiency in all areas of
operations and project management.
In Milestone Three, you will submit a Financial Assessment and Resource Planning Brief, which will become part of Component 3, due in Module Nine. In the
brief, you will begin developing key financial documents. You may need to supplement the case study with additional research on current or past financial
statements for the organization. Consider how the new product/service fits into the financial capacity of the organization. Is the new service/product appropriate
for the organization’s strategic financial investment? Describe the company valuation and the financial fit of the new product/service. Begin estimating the costs
to manufacture or develop the service, the staffing needs, the materials or equipment needed, etc. Next, estimate the planned benefit of the new
product/service, making sure to consider the ongoing costs as well as the initial development costs. In the appendix include an initial draft of the financial
valuation and justification of the new product/service using a standard approach such as a cost/benefit analysis, return on investment, internal rate of return, net
present value, and/or break-even analysis. The instructor will provide feedback on this milestone to better shape your final capstone project.
Critical Elements
 Economic Fit: Describe how the planned new product or service is a good fit for the organization from a financial perspective. Discuss the economic
feasibility of the project.
 Operational Costs: Identify the costs surrounding the manufacture of the product or any unique manufacturing or service-related requirements to
support the new product or service. This may include leveraging operational tools and techniques to forecast material needs and staffing levels such as
inventory turns, holding costs, weeks of supply, economic order quantity, resource plans, or other standard approaches.
 Benefits: Estimate the potential benefits of the new product or service, leveraging a standard estimating approach and noting confidence levels.
 Cost Justification: Prepare a cost/benefit analysis for the new product or service. You may also leverage other financial justification approaches such as
IRR, ROI, or break-even.


Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must contain all of the elements listed above. It should be 3–5 pages in length (excluding the title page and references),
using 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to
successfully explain the concept and implementation, but this detailed supporting documentation should be provided in appendices. Your paper should follow
APA guidelines. You must include at least three scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and then include those sources on a reference
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Proficient (0%) Value
Main Elements Includes most of the main elements Does not include any of the main elements 15
Critical Thinking Provides logical conclusions and defends with
Does not provide logical conclusions 15
Economic Fit Describes how the planned new product or
service is a good fit for the organization from
a financial perspective and economic
Does not describe economic fit or economic
Operational Costs Identifies the operational costs using standard
operational forecasting and estimating
Does not identify the operational costs using
standard operational forecasting and
estimating techniques
Benefits Estimates the potential benefits, leveraging a
standard estimating approach and noting
confidence levels
Does not estimate the potential benefits,
leveraging a standard estimating approach
and noting confidence levels
Cost Justification Prepares a cost/benefit analysis for financial
Does not prepare a cost/benefit analysis for
financial justification
Articulation of Response Submission does not have critical errors
related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax,
or organization that prevent understanding of
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent understanding of
Total 100%