6-2 Case Study Analysis Pad 630











PAD 630 Case Study Analysis Guidelines and Rubric
For this assignment, first read Man on a Wire: Bart Stupak Walks a Tight Line Between Obamacare & Abortion. Then draft an analysis paper, from a public
administration standpoint, that highlights the major issues addressed in the case study and your conclusions regarding the actions of Congressman Stupak during
the Affordable Care Act discussion.
Your paper should include all of the following elements:
 Analyze at least three of the major public administration issues addressed.
 Include a section of conclusions regarding the ethical issues involved and how this information relates to the public administration system.
 Defend your analysis with scholarly research.
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be 2 to 3 pages in length and should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Analysis Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
analysis is especially insightful
and thorough
Provides thought, insight, and
analysis for at least three public
administration issues
Provides thought, insight, and
analysis for public
administration issues, but there
are flaws in the analysis
Does not provide thought,
insight, and analysis for at least
three public administration
Conclusions Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
conclusions are especially
insightful and thorough
Conclusions reflect an
understanding of the ethical
issues involved, and connections
are made about how this
information relates to the public
administration system
Conclusions reflect a lack of
understanding of the ethical
issues involved and how this
information relates to the public
administration system
Does not include any conclusions
regarding the ethical issues
involved or how this information
relates to the public
administration system
Scholarly Research Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides specific, concrete
examples from research to
defend the analysis
Includes references to scholarly
research to defend the analysis
and connects research findings
directly to the analysis
Includes references to scholarly
research to defend the analysis
but does not connect research
findings directly to the analysis
Does not include references to
scholarly research to defend the
There are no errors related to
organization, grammar, style, or
APA citations
There are minor errors related
to organization, grammar, style,
and APA citations
There are some errors related to
organization, grammar, style,
and APA citations, but they do
not impede understanding
There are major errors related to
organization, grammar, style,
and APA citations that impede
Total 100%