7-1 Project: Investor Report


  1. Selling Prices: Share and explain the selling prices you established for each of your products. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.
  2. Contribution Margin: Share and explain your contribution margin per unit. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.
  3. Target Profits: Identify your break-even points for achieving different target profits. Then explain the target profits you selected for each area of your business. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.
  4. Financial Statements: Using the information in the Milestone Two Market Research Data Appendix, assess your financial performance to date.

    1. Statement of Cost of Goods Sold: Share the statement of cost of goods sold and logically interpret the business’s performance against the provided benchmarks.
    2. Income Statement: Share the income statement and logically interpret the business’s performance against the provided benchmarks.
    3. Variances: Illustrate all variances for the direct labor time and the materials price.
    4. Significance of Variances: Evaluate the significance of the variances in terms of the potential to impact future budgeting decisions and planning.