Leadership Skills Paper/Agency Analysis


You will conduct an interview with a Masters level social worker who is employed in a leadership position in a social service agency, including nonprofit, for-profit, and government agencies.  After the interview, the student will then submit a paper.

You should pay particular attention to diversity, social, and economic justice and ethical issues and concerns.

Include information on the following areas:

  • Agency background
    • Name of the agency, 
    • Brief history of the agency (via their website)
    • Name of Interviewee 
    • Interviewee title 
    • Proposed time and date of interview
  • Agency Leadership 
    • What is the leadership structure of the agency?
    • Are different communities represented?
    • What is the process for hiring leaders?
  • Staffing
    • How many staff members are employed at the agency?
    • What is the employee to client ratio?
    • What are their qualifications?
    • Does staff makeup match the makeup of the communities served?
    • What professional development is available to staff?
    • How is employee performance evaluated? 
    • How often are staff members eligible for raises?
    • How often are meetings held with staff?
    • Is there high or low turnover?
  • Interviewee Background
    • How many employees does interviewee supervise?
    • How long has he/she/they been in leadership roles?
    • How long has he/she been employed there 
  • Client Access to Services 
    • What are the programs and services offered?
    • Are programs accessible for participants?
    • What barriers do participants encounter when trying to access services and what is the agency doing to eliminate those barriers?
    • Are the services able to address the needs of the community?
    • How are programs and services evaluated?
    •  Does agency solicit community and stakeholder feedback on services?  If so, what is the method for soliciting feedback and how often is feedback solicited?
  • Strategic Plan
    • Does the agency have a current strategic plan?
    • What was the process for developing it?
    •  Is it current?
    • What is the format?
  • Agency Infrastructure 
    • Does the technology meet the needs of the staff?
    • If not, is there a plan for upgrading technology?
    • Who handles communications with the public?
    • Does the agency have a PR or Marketing Plan?
    • Does the agency partner with other agencies or community stakeholders around initiatives? Why or why not?
    • Does the agency have a legislative or advocacy plan?  Is that public? 
    • Why or why not is the agency involved in advocacy?
    • If yes, is interviewee involved in developing that plan?


  • All papers should be written in APA style and format: In-text citations (for all ideas, definitions, concepts and direct quotations) and reference page
  • Use Times New Roman font, 12 points. Double spacing throughout the document. Number all the pages (Page number, upper right corner).
  • Include a Cover Page with the following information: Name, Name of Professor, Class and Section Number, Name of Assignment and Date of submission. 
  • Use page numbers, Page numbering should begin on the title page.
  • Include a Running head: Title of the paper in 50 characters or less in header all capitalized. In header on second pages: Title only, all caps, left alignment.
  • Use subheadings/section titles for each of the areas. 
  • The paper should be between 6-8 double-spaced pages, with a 12-point font, not including the title page, abstract, reference page (if applicable), and appendix (if applicable), using APA format.