8083 MD3 Assign2


You have examined various assessments in past assignments, analyzed their strengths and weaknesses, and reported on their reliability and validity. Why is this so important to early childhood educators? What purpose is there to all this? Teaching is a cyclical process. It must involve the following:

  • Having a direction (a      measurable objective or clear learning outcomes)
  • Creating an assessment (a      clear, measureable objective tied to an appropriate assessment for the objective)
  • Analyzing data based on the      results (Did you meet the objective? How do you know?)
  • Determining the next steps,      next lesson, and next objective(s)

It is much like our original Einstein quote: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” If we use the wrong assessments, we will never be able to obtain the information we seek—the information that can mean a difference in a child’s life and learning.

To prepare:

  • Consider reviewing the MA      Child Care Resources (n.d.), “Resource List of Common Assessment Tools,”      found in the Learning Resources of Module 2.
  • Research and examine assessments for      kindergarten-aged children or children aged 6–8 in the areas of readiness      skills, emerging content knowledge, and intervention.
  • Review the Mental      Measurements Yearbook and verify the information posted on validity and      reliability or find a research article discussing the assessment.