6 pages in 10 hours

Representation in Canada

Write a 1500-word ess ay in response to the following question: what is the most important institutional change that we could make to improve the quality of representation in Canada? For example, should we reform the Senate, the House of Commons, the electoral system, or the rules around political financing? (These are just examples; you might be thinking of something completely different). In answering the question, you must identify what you take to be the most critical challenges with respect to representation in Canada and then discuss your proposal for change. Please chat with me if you want some feedback on this while you write.

As with the previous assignment, you can be creative with respect to the style/approach you take but stick to 1500 words for content and use at least six secondary sources.



This is how I want this assignment to be done.


1.     Define representation>> then state what it means to me (person writing the paper) and how political representation impact Canada.

2.     What is the most important thing that can be done to make representation better and why?  For example, proportional representation…. Which is what the assignment should be based on…. A reform to implement the PR system ( electoral reform).

3.     Explore things that other country does…. Compare and contrast to highlight pros and cons

4.     Identify a problem and provide a solution>>> justify with clear recommendation

5.     Please focus on one thing  and analyse as it is only 1500 words. There are gonna be more probs which should be mentioned but focus on the most important one

6.     Show understanding of Canadian politics and structure… house of common, senate etc.

7.     All ideas must be linked to electoral reform which is proportional representation ( how to make the electoral system better)




One source

