So Good They Can’t Ignore You


  • Minimum of 3 pages with a maximum of 5 pages
  • 0 line-spaced on standard-sized paper with 1” margins
  • 11 point font size
  • Name and student ID on the top of each page
  • Each page numbered and documents stapled together
  • Be sure to proofread it carefully for errors and typos

Abstract Sections 1-6

Section 1

Recap the main idea of the entire book and the reason the author wrote it

Section 2

Rule #1 Critical Analysis

Section 3

The 5 most important concepts from the book that spoke to you

Section 4

The author’s credibility and background. What qualifies him to write this book? Review and comment on the notes section in terms of the amount and quality of research and source materials the author has used

Section 5

What have you learned from this book that you will either incorporate into your routine or bring into your internship and subsequent first full-time job 

Assignment Guidelines

Refer to pages 86-91 in the So Good… book and create a 7-day consecutive spreadsheet (ie, a Time Management Weekly Sime Management Weekly Schedule) tracking what you did between the hours of 6am and 11pm. Then, similar to page 89, divide your activities into two categories: Hard to Change and Highly Changeable.  As an example, for you, Hard to Change activities are things like Class, Studying, Meals, Work, and Practice while Highly Changeable activities might be Social (consider breaking out social media time, TV/streaming, with partner, entertaining, etc.), Exercise, Sleeping. Submit this spreadsheet with your abstract with your reflection as to how you might adjust your activities to become more productive.


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