Week 1 Assignment – Chapters 1 and 2//NO PLAGIARISM PROFESSOR USES TURNITIN

After reading Chapters 1 and 2 Answer the following questions.  Post a word document on Moodle with your responses.

Chapter 1:

  1. Explain why there is confusion when trying to define terrorism. Provide examples to illustrate your answer.
  2. Compare and contrast the definitions of terrorism offered by Walter Laqueur and Boaz Ganor. Do you agree with Laqueur or Ganor? Explain your answer. 
  3. Explain how socialism, anarchism, and communism were mistakenly associated with terrorism.
  4. Karl Marx, founder of communism, is often labeled as a terrorist.  Do you feel this is a correct assessment?  Why or why not?
  5. What did Edmund Burke mean by his phrase, “Reign of Terror?”

Chapter 2

  1. What is practical criminology?
  2. What are some common forms of behavior associated with radicalization?
  3. What are the three key questions about radicalization, according to Horgan?
  4. What are the five issues that are common to group think scenarios?
  5. According to Bodrero, what are the practical behavioral differences between terrorists and criminals? What is the significance of Bodrero’s argument in regard to investigative responses to terrorism?  
  6. Discuss Sageman’s six-step radicalization model. Do you agree with this model? Why or why not?