Healthcare Information Security Risk Analysis

In addition to the healthcare risk posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, significant cyber and information security threats are increasing. These global threats impact organizations and individuals. You’ve been asked to complete some research for the healthcare domain that would like more information about the top security threats and attack methods related to COVID-19 that are targeted at healthcare organizations, employees, and patients. This risk analysis, prepared for a potential client, will include a risk register.

To prepare your risk analysis, complete the Risk Register Template by identifying the top 5 healthcare information security threats and attack methods related to pandemics, based on research from at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Write a 1- to 2-page narrative of your findings that could be presented to the CIO of a healthcare organization. The goal is to raise executive awareness resulting in improved executive decision-making, implementation of recommendations, identification of opportunities, allocation of budget, and allocation of resources.

Include your risk register in your narrative, and do the following:

  • Describe the focus of the analysis, including the systems that are used.
  • Justify your risk ranking of the top 5 threats.
  • Analyze the resource requirements and relationships to other processes.
  • Recommend organizational and security-related actions that would eliminate or mitigate the risk and impact on the organization.
  • Discuss any opportunities created by the presence of the risk.
  • Summarize your key findings.