Job map part 2

Using the same design challenge that you selected in Week 6 and completed the Week 7 assignment on, develop an Innovation Metric. Focusing only on understanding the job at this point (there should be no discussion of solutions, ideas, or concepts in this assignment) develop the following four slides:

You will need to submit 1 to 2 slides for the Innovation Metric deliverable )

These slide(s) should include:

  • Customer Values (two statements)
  • Community Values (two statements)
  • Company Costs (two statements)
  • Community Impact (two statements)

Please reference the Job Map slides in the project overview (slides 8 through 10) for content, formatting suggestions, and rubric.

Please reference the design challenges in this document (Links to an external site.). You may find it helpful to re-watch the Innovation Metric video to understand more generally about the Innovation Metric. Please note that the specifics of the assignment described in the video may differ from our assignment; please ask specific questions if you’re unsure.

Using the same design challenge that you selected in Week 6 and completed the Week 7 & 8 assignments on, develop Five Product Concepts and rank them relative to your Innovation Metric from Week 8.

We’ve now moved into the “idea” stage, so this is where you will share your concepts. Please use as many slides as you’d like to capture your five concepts (with a sketch and any descriptive text to support it) and a comparison of all five concepts to your Innovation Metric.

Please reference the Product Concept slides (Links to an external site.) in the project overview for content, formatting suggestions, and rubric.

Please reference the design challenges in this document. You may find it helpful to re-watch videos that reference ideation and concept development, like these videos from Week 7: one/ two. Please note that the specifics of the assignment described in the video may differ from our assignment; please ask specific questions if you’re unsure.

Submissions: Please submit your slides in a Google Slides