CIS599 Task 8

Read this article:


Week 8 – Article Assignment Questions

  1. In the article it says that “Bernhard Schölkopf, who researches causal AI techniques as a
    director at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, points out that you
    can predict a country’s birth rate if you know its population of storks.”. Can you make
    similar cause and effect statement between crime and poverty? What will it be or why
    2. What is Causal Bayesian Network? What was the result of the GNS Healthcare’s work on
    using causal Bayesian networks on multiple myeloma?
    3. “The hypothesis is that the decline of fertility in older women benefited early human
    societies because women who put more effort into caring for grandchildren ultimately
    had more descendants.” Why can’t Anthropologists just compare the educational or
    medical outcomes of children who have lived with grandparents and those who have
    4. Judea Pearl cannot answer the question about how long it will take to get computers to
    get powerful causal reasoning abilities. However, what does he think the first move
    should be?
    5. What is “catastrophic forgetting” and why does it exist?



Answer these questions.

  • 1 page max and use references.