Health Bill that has not become a law…
*12 slides maximum -Heading for slides-“BILL ON NURSING PRACTICE STANDARD”
- Title slide-my name, NR 451, session, Healthcare Policy assignment
- The Bill number & name; whether it is a health bill or health resolution, or Senate bill or senate senate resolutions
- Bill summary (in my own words)
- How the bill might be related to a professional nursing practice standard if passed? If not passed (choose one standard from the ANA scope and Standards of Practice textbook)
- How might the bill impact my own nursing practice if passed & if not passed
- How might communicating concerns about or support for this bill to peers & legislators based on nursing practice, standards or patient outcomes?
- How might this bill impact my community
- If passed, What is the benefit?
- Reference slide
PowerPoint presentation with detailed slide by slide talking points.
Please address all of the grading criteria as you are developing your slides. Scripted notes are not needed as you should be able to provide the content on the slides.
Please select a healthcare topic that has not become law. It should have an impact on the delivery of nursing care,
Nurses should carefully evaluate each proposed Bill and compare the changes that are intended to the current nursing practices. Please always look at the current nursing practice and what is currently being done to address the healthcare need. As you are discussing the impact of the bill on the nursing practice standards, there must be a discussion about the current nursing practice standards and how the bill will impact those practices.