
Interview a “minority” health care professional working with “minority” populations (i.e., African-American working with African-Americans).


Be sure to discuss issues faced by “minority” professionals working with people from their own and other “minority” racial-ethnic groups.


Also discuss issues they may face as a “minority” in the workforce.


Finally, discuss issues related to cultural sensitivity and cultural competence.


What does this person do to bridge any cultural gaps or potential misunderstandings?


Do they have specific things they think about, say, do? How did they learn what they know to be effective?



After completing the assignment, submit a written report about your experience, including


1) a narrative of what you did and with whom;


2) information gathered and observed (any written materials and “field notes” of your observations as a “participant observer”); and,


3) what you learned from the experience. You will be asked to informally describe your experience to the rest of the class.


4) This document should be prepared in MSWord (or equivalent) and may be single or double spaced with 1inch margins. Use either Times New Roman or Arial 10 or 12 point font.


5) The file name on your homework should be as follows: <your last name> Homework 3.doc. DO NOT submit an assignment without your last name as part of the file name.

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