Three Activities Due In 72 Hours

Unit 1: Response Paper 2: TASK 3

Unit 1:  Response Paper 1:

Choose a prompt from Gilgamesh Activities (Links to an external site.).

Compose a five paragraph essay responding to the prompt.

Follow the guidelines below as you compose your essay:

– Your essay should be at least 250 words.

– Be as specific as you can. Support your points with details from the text. Prove that you read the book!

– Indicate at the beginning of the essay which prompt you are responding to.

– There is no requirement to include introduction and conclusion paragraphs, but you may if you wish.

Plagiarism Reminder

The essay should be in your own words. Do not copy an essay from an online source. If you use language from the texts, use quotation marks (Example: “Noah was a righteous man and blameless before the Lord.”)


Week 3 Discussion Question 1

Which activity did you choose to do for the Gilgamesh Activity One?  Why did you choose this activity?  What new information about Gilgamesh did you learn while doing this activity?


Module 1: Reading Quiz 2

Module 1:  Reading Quiz 2: Compare/Contrast the Flood Stories in Gilgamesh and Genesis

Read the Story of the Flood chapter of Gilgamesh (Links to an external site.) carefully (pages 20-21 of the linked text). Then, read the Story of the Flood in Genesis (Links to an external site.).

Compare and contrast the two flood stories.

Use the following guidelines to help you compose your answer:

– What are at least three similarities between the two stories?

– What are at least three differences between the two stories?

– These two stories come from very different cultures and time periods. Why do you think the stories are so similar?

– Good answers will be at least 200 words (feel free to write more!)

Plagiarism Reminder

Answers should be in your own words. Do not copy answers from online sources. I am interested in what you think. If you use words from the texts, use quotations marks (Example: “Noah was a righteous man.”)