
Access https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/ei-quiz.htm website:

Evaluate each statement as you are, rather than as you think you should be. When you’ve finished, click “Calculate My Total.” It is important for students to not only report the TOTAL Calculation, but to scroll down on the results screen, and find the total score in EACH of the 5 components. These numbers are each out of 15 possible. To earn full credit on this activity, students must report their scores for each of the 5 categories, with 15 being the max in each category.

Complete the E. I. Activity by presenting individual assessment results, and answering the questions presented below. Answers to the questions rely on the student’s outcomes in the 5 emotional intelligence elements on the self-assessments completed:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-regulation
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social skills
  1. Based on your results, identify which element in is currently a strength for you. Expand upon how you feel this strong score is realizable in your personal or professional life. Provide an example when you have productively utilized this emotional intelligence strength.
  2. Likewise, identify which element of emotional intelligence which scores as an area of growth for you. Explain how you will commit to improving in this area. Explain how your future leadership propensity will benefit from strengthening this element of E.I.
