Cloud Computing


As an IT analyst for Dominion Online, a company providing voting solutions to a global client base, you are working to convince the organization to move its infrastructure to a public cloud. With the growth the company is experiencing, and the internal data centers maxed out, you want to get the executives on board with moving to a public cloud rather than trying to expand the current infrastructure.

Using Power point please respond to the following questions

prepare your presentation for the BallotOnline executives. This presentation should present them with a compelling business case and cover the benefits and possible drawbacks of adopting cloud infrastructure, data on cloud economics, and a demo of some basic cloud capabilities 

Your presentation will include an executive summary along with the following from previous steps:

  • Overview of cloud computing
    • summary of service and deployment models
    • summary of cloud compute and storage infrastructure components
    • advantages and disadvantages
  • economic analysis
  • IT business requirements (provide a concise description of what      each bullet should ensure)
  • SWOT analysis
  • Evaluate the business IT needs of an      organization.
  • Propose strategies the organization can      employ using cloud solutions to enhance organizational effectiveness.
  • Evaluate cloud adoption as a viable      solution based on cost benefits and desired outcomes.
  • Articulate insights to leadership on the      appropriate course of direction on the identified IT business needs.
  • Articulate the systems architecture of      the cloud – cloud infrastructure, cloud service, cloud platform, and cloud      storage.
  • Assess and compare cloud services      delivery models (XaaS).
  • Evaluate deployment models – private,      public, hybrid, etc.
  • Investigate the underlying technologies      (virtualization, data center infrastructure, servers).

Note: Please use power point to answer all the questions.

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