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Read this art icle about plag iarism, “Toward a Rational Response to Plagiarism,” by Rob Jenkins. Its target audience is instructors. Share your views of the art icle. Is the author on track? Do Jenkins’ recommendations make sense?


As you read the pa p er, pay close attention to the six features of aca demic writ ing noted above. Which standards are present the pa p er? What standards (if any) are missing? How does the presence or absence of these standards affect the quality of the pa p er?

  1. Writers respond to what others have said about their topic.
  2. Writers state the value of their work and announce the plan for their papers.
  3. Writers acknowledge that others might disagree with the position they’ve taken.
  4. Writers adopt a voice of authority.
  5. Writers use academic and discipline specific vocabulary.
  6. Writers emphasize evidence, often in tables, graphs, and images. (348)


Explain how steady market applies –not in a supply chain, but in your life as a student.