case, malpractice

this is the case:  Lawyer brags about winning medical malpractice suit; has verdict thrown out ( 


  • Originality is key. 
  •  at least 400 words long (but no longer than 700).
  • At a minimum, there should be two (but there can be more) references: the focus article, and one additional source.


The submission should include these components:

  • Introduction/Synopsis
    • This should summarize the key details of the events that occurred in the focus article. 
  • Cause
    • Refer to the MDLinx “Top Causes of Medical Malpractice.” Describe which cause/s you feel this article best relates to and why. 
  • Challenge and Opportunity (refer to chapters 1 and 2 of the course textbook for inspiration). 
    • What is a challenge that will make it tough to eliminate this error from happening in the future? Why? 
    • What is an opportunity that will help to eliminate this error from happening moving forward? Why? 
      • *Note the grader will be looking for queues the student did additional research regarding the scenario beyond the provided articles and the course textbook (i.e. additional external resources). Note “Wikipedia” is not a reliable source (but is a good starting point to gather general information). 
  • Closing
    • Summarize what has been said and reemphasize the most important point.