Can protein diets be related to disease like, such as kidney disease osteoporosis or others? How do our choices in protein foods increase or decrease our health risk?
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A healthy diet incorporates all nutrients in moderation. Low protein intake has several health consequences, and a severe lack of protein in the diet eventually causes death. Long-term consumption of a high-protein diet could be linked with metabolic and clinical problems, such as loss of bone mass and renal dysfunction. However, although it is well accepted that a high-protein diet may be dangerous to individuals with existing kidney dysfunction, there is little evidence that high protein intake is dangerous for healthy individuals. Although severe protein deficiency is rare in the developed world, it is a leading cause of death in children in many poor, underdeveloped countries. There are many factors that influence bone mass, but protein has been identified as being both detrimental and beneficial to bone health, depending on a variety of factors, including the level of protein in the diet, the protein source, calcium intake, weight loss, and the acid/base balance of the diet. High dietary protein taken as a purified isolated nutrient increases urinary excretion of calcium (Allen et al., 1979). Observational studies conducted in the general population suggest diets high in animal protein, such as the primary protein source is red meat, are linked to a higher risk for kidney stones, kidney disease, liver malfunction, colorectal cancer, and osteoporosis.
Protein plays and essential role in our diet. Proteins are the building blocks of like. Every cell in the human body according to (MedlinePlus, Ov/envy/article/002467.htm) contains protein. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. Protein is needed in our diet to help our body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important for growth and development in children, teens, and pregnant women.
Protein is a necessary part of everyone’s diet. It is important for individuals to get enough protein. Typically, people need 40 to 60 grams of protein per day as part of a healthy, balanced diet. With chronic kidney disease, however, it is often recommended that patients limit their protein intake. Making it difficult for the body to remove the waste, meaning the kidney are failing (Renal Failure) which includes stages 1-3 stages such as: Acute Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, and End Stage Kidney Disease making waste harder for the body to remove which over time cause a person to be placed to dialysis to help protect from End-Stage Renal Failure. At this point limitations are place on fluid intake to prevent fluid over-load based on the fact the kidneys can no longer filter themselves with dialysis treatment.
While there is a complex interconnection between protein and osteoporosis, proteins are needed to drive bone development and maturation, high protein-diets can reduce bone mineral density. However, studies show that there is a difference between the effects of plant proteins, and animal protein on bone mineral density.