For this assignment, find an article in a newspaper, magazine, trade journal, etc., or an actual court opinion in Westlaw that tells you about a court decision where ERISA played a role in the decision. Brief the case and explain how the standards of ERISA were applied.
As always, upload your assignment here before the due date.
[NOTE: From Business Law you should remember that “briefing a case” is often done using the IRAC method. Name and explain: the ISSUE before the court (what question(s) are they trying to answer), the RULE (what legal rule or law is the court applying/interpreting….here it should be the application of ERISA), the APPLICATION (how does the court apply the rule to the facts of the given case), and the CONCLUSION ( What is the outcome/final ruling of the court?)]
[Also NOTE: You may search case decisions in Westlaw. It is one of the library online databases.]