For this exercise you will need to access two files located in this week’s (Week Five) module: Analyzing Images PowerPoint and Visual Analysis Exercise PDF file.
Choose ONE of the images from the Analyzing Images PowerPoint that you would like to analyze for this practice exercise. Be sure to indicate at the top of your answers (either type it at the top of your file you will upload or type it as the first piece of information if you choose to use the textbox provided). For instance, “I use the image on the bottom left of Slide 11 for this exercise.”
In the Visual Analysis Exercise PDF file, you will see 3 check lists to use for this exercise. One pages 1 and 3 of the file, the checklist has a line drawn around it (so you know what to use), and on page 2, the checklist is on the bottom half of the page. Answer all applicable questions in each of the 3 checklists as you practice analyzing the image you chose from the Analyzing Images PowerPoint. If one of the questions does not seem to apply to your chosen image, you can skip that question. For instance, if the question refers to words in the image, and you chose an image with no words in it, then skip that question.
Be sure to answer as many questions as you can from each checklist. They will help you understand and practice identifying visual elements, rhetorical elements, and content of message/persuasion of the image you are analyzing.