The Iroquois Creation Story


You will complete and submit a multimedia project using PowerPoint based on one of the assigned readings below:

The Iroquois Creation Story

The General History of Virginia, New England, and The Summer Isles (John Smith)

Of Plymouth Plantation (William Bradford)

A Model of Christian Charity (John Winthrop)

Contemplations (Anne Bradstreet)

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (Jonathan Edwards)

Use PowerPoint for this project. Do not use other applications such as Google Slides. All JSCC students have access to PowerPoint through Office 365.

Select an assigned reading from the list above.

You will create an infographic using PowerPoint. Organize the information using a visual layout. Incorporate graphics appropriately.

Slide 1 – Author Timeline: Create a timeline for the author of the work you have selected; include major publications and major life events as well as significant relevant historical, literary, and philosphical events/movements/context.

Create a timeline infographic on the first slide of your presentation for the author of the selected work. Be sure to include any of the author’s major life events, relevant literary movements/periods, historical or philosophical influences, and major works/publications. You can use information about the author from our textbook. There are also example timelines in the book. List any sources you use at the bottom of your page/slide in MLA style. See example timeline infographics here: You do not have to use these templates; I think they charge a fee to use these. These are only examples for inspiration. You can also do a web search for author infographic examples and click Images to see a variety of examples. (Just don’t cheat, plagiarize, or violate copyright.) Include yours as a slide in your PowerPoint presentation.

Author background/timeline/contextual information 20 points

Slides 2 & 3 – Literary Work Analysis: Analyze the work you have selected and present the information using a visual layout with text and images/graphics.

Analyze the selected reading by this author. Create an informational infographic that briefly analyzes the work.

For fiction, break down the basic elements of setting, character, plot, theme, and point of view. Include a brief yet somewhat detailed analysis of each element in your infographic.

For poetry, identify the form (such as sonnet, villanelle, epic, free verse, etc.) and structure (stanzas, lines, couplets, etc.) and some of the literary devices used, such as alliteration, refrain, rhythm, rhyme, meter, symbol, imagery, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, etc. Different poems use different devices. The poem itself may or may not be included on the infographic. Specific examples of the devices should be included.

For nonfiction, you can complete a rhetorical analysis, analyzing audience, purpose, ethos, pathos, logos, etc.

List any sources used at the bottom of the slide in MLA style. See informational infographic examples here: (There is an example for a literary work: Tom Sawyer.) You do not have to use these templates. These are only examples. You can also search Google infographics and see images there for examples. (Just do not cheat, plagiarize, or violate copyright.) Include this analysis as part of your PowerPoint. Document any sources used.

Analysis of the work 20 points

Slide 4 – Scholarly Source Summary: Read a literary criticism or critical analysis article about the work you analyzed and summarize the main points of the article visually using text and appropriate graphics.

Use the Jefferson State Online Library or other library to locate a literary criticism or critical analysis article from one of the scholarly source databases to read about this literary work. The librarians can help you locate an article. Create an informational infographic that lays out the main points of the scholarly article you selected. Summarize the main points using a visual layout. Include some degree of specific detail. Document your source at the bottom of the slide using MLA style like you would on a works cited page. See example layouts: You do not have to use these templates. These are only examples. (I think they charge for using their templates.) You may also search for images of infographics on the internet for examples. (Just do not cheat, plagiarize, or violate copyright.) Include the article summary in the PowerPoint.

Scholarly source summary 20 points

Slide 5 – Relate this work and/or author to modern culture, using a professional visual layout with text and graphics/images.

Include specific information and examples of influences and the impact of this work and/or author on contemporary literature, culture, or society. Use a visual layout and incorporate graphics/images as appropriate. Include this information as a slide in your PowerPoint. Document any sources used.

Relate to modern culture (impact/influence) 20 points

Design/images/graphics/layout 20 points

Grading Criteria:

Multimedia (PowerPoint) Project (100 points)

Author timeline/background/contextual information (historical, literary, philosophical) 20

Analysis of the work 20

Literary elements/devices for works of fiction

Rhetorical strategies/devices for nonfiction works

Scholarly source summary 20

Relate to modern culture (impact/influence) 20

Design/images/graphics/layout 20

Attach your PowerPoint (not Google Slides) project here.

(Note: The second attempt is only for technical errors. There is no need to submit a second attempt unless there is a technical problem, which is extremely rare. If you submit this assignment twice, only the second attempt will be graded.)