If you do not have the Hardware or Software, then research the commands using the web.
Hardware/Software Setup Required
Router or CISCO Packet Tracer 7.1.0 (available at this website)
Note: The lab requires a CISCO router or access to the Internet.
Problem Description
When investigating an attack to a router, you need to gather volatile evidence using either direct or indirect access. Direct access is carried out using show commands. Indirect access can be carried out only if the attacker has changed the passwords. This is done by port-scanning every router’s IP information.
In this lab, you will practice acquiring volatile information from a router using various show commands.
Problem Description
When investigating an attack to a router, you need to gather volatile evidence using either direct or indirect access. Direct access is carried out using show commands. Indirect access can be carried out only if the attacker has changed the passwords. It can be carried out by port-scanning every router IP.
In this lab, you will practice acquiring volatile information from a router using various show commands.
Estimated completion time: 60 minutes.
Report the steps for performing the task above.
How to use various show commands to display the following information:
o Clock details
o Router’s version
o Running configuration
o Startup configuration
o Routing table
o ARP table
o List of users
o List of interfaces
o Routing protocols