
Assessment / Testing
Prompt: This milestone provides you an opportunity to work more closely with your data by requiring you to identify common themes that emerged from the data, to analyze the reliability and validity of the data, to offer recommendations for the client, and to reflect on the entire process. It also allows you to reflect on your work in the first two milestones.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
a) Given test behaviors, how confident are you in your results? Rationalize and justify your opinion with research.
b) Address the common themes and/or contradictions in your client’s test results. What common themes emerged from the data? In your response, relate the results to the referral question. What information in your data is most relevant to your referral question?
c) Discuss the limitations of testing or threats to the reliability or validity of the results. What suggestions would you make for additional assessment?
d) What evidence do you have to report to the psychologist to help her make a diagnosis? How might this evidence inform her diagnosis? Thoroughly explain your conclusion.
a) Given the conclusions you made, explain whether or not you have enough information to make recommendations for treatment or other interventions. If so, identify, explain, and justify with research what your recommendations for future assessments would be.
b) Explain how your recommendations are consistent with evidence-based practice by relating your response to current and relevant research.
a) Upon completion of your recommendations section, reflect on the process and work you did to create this report. Address what evidence you found most useful and why.
b) What additional client information would have been useful? How would you obtain it?
c) What have you learned through this process? What would you like to know more about?