
In this discussion you will share three things.

First, go to MyWaterwayEPA and tell us which watershed you live in.  Start by typing in your zip code(58104).  Then, you can click on the map the exact location of your house/farm.  This will bring you to a precise watershed for you.

Second, follow your water all the way to an ocean, naming the rivers and cities/states/countries along the way (if applicable).  This link will help MN people get started: MN Basins.  Note that the colors and associated names at the outside of the map give the major river that will head to an ocean.  You may have to google after that.  Other states may have a similar thing, you will need to search.

Third, search the news archives or your memory and tell us about an issue involving water that struck a chord with you.  Keep it as close to home as possible, but state or national issues are OK.  Be specific!

No reading or reply requirements for this one.



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