Critique Thesis

Critique of Thesis Instructions




Select a thesis (or dissertation)  from the Electronic ProQuest Dissertation Database in an area that fits your

professional and academic knowledge goals.

The thesis must be from a college/university in the United States.


After reading and analyzing the complete thesis, complete the following questions.

Number in bold indicates points per question.

  1. Specifically, what is the purpose of this research? 2
  2. What type of research is conducted? Primary – qualitative, quantitative, mixed?  Secondary? Identify and describe.3
  3. Does the author use or reference a theory or theories? Explain. Alternatively, is there no sign of theory? 2
  4. What are the listed limitations of the study? 1
  5. Do you feel that they are accurate? What could be done to reduce limitations in a replication of this study? 2
  6. Who are the research participants – population and sample? How was the sample determined and contacted? Or was it Secondary Data? 2
  7. Are they the appropriate population for this study? Do they accurately represent this study to be able to generalize from the results? If Secondary Data – was it appropriate for this study?  Did it provide sufficient detail? 2
  8. What is the “So What?” of this research? What has been added to the body of academic and/or professional knowledge? 2
  9. What are the implications for future research from the author? 1
  10. What would you add for future research? 2
  11. APA reference of the thesis. 1

Format for submission:

Submit your word file and highlighted PDF of the thesis.

Typed, 1” margins, 12 point font. Follow the APA 7th Edition Style Manual for referencing.

Use this format to reference the thesis:

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of thesis (Publication No.) [Master’s thesis, Name of Institution Awarding the Degree]. Database Name.

For example:

Su, H. W. (2019). The effects of benefit types on customer loyalty in integrated resorts (Publication No. 27592340) [Master’s thesis, University of North Texas]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.