Task 6: Final Research Concept


Task 6: Final Research Concept

Add two Level 2 Headings following the Research Framework in your approved Research Concept

Narrative from Task 5: 1) “Potential Research Location(s)” and 2) “Biblical Perspective on

Research”. Update your table of contents, introductory paragraph, conclusion, and reference

section as required.

Potential Research Location(s)

 For DBA Dissertation students (BUSI 987-990) – Develop a list of at least potential

industries, markets, regions, or organizations where your research could be conducted.

Explain how and why this is a good choice. Include appropriate citations for all factual

assertions. Note: Do not contact any organizations to solicit their involvement in your

proposed study.

 For DBA Case Study Project students (BUSI 887 – 890) – Develop a list of potential

industries, markets, regions, or organizations where your research could be conducted.

Explain how and why this is a good choice. Include appropriate citations for all factual


 For DBA Consulting Project students (BUSI 887 – 890) – Identify a potential organization

where your research could be conducted. Explain how you might gain access to this

organization as well as how and why this is a good choice. Include appropriate citations

for all factual assertions.

Biblical Perspective on Research

 Introductory paragraph

 A 200 – 300 word narrative discussing the process of conducting business research from

a Biblical perspective.

 A 200 – 300 word narrative discussing how your research in particular will fulfill this


 Summary paragraph

Use APA current edition formatting for a word document.

Note for Consulting Project or Case Study Project: Submit the Permission Request Template from Task

2 as a word document. You are not required to send this to the potential organization at this time. If you

have, you can include any responses you have received to date as a pdf document. You can submit multiple

documents in the same submission so load these along with the final research