KM (Knowledge Management) tools Research Paper (INFO4307- Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies)

 INFO4307- Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies

1-Research about a KM tool  of our choice

2-5 pages on chosen KM Tool

3- Make sure that you use the provided APA template, use the APA formatting for citations and quotations, etc. Follow the format as indicated in the template headings, subheadings: cover page, abstract, introduction, literature review (present your analysis of the peer reviewed journals), conclusions, and list of references.

4- Include the PDF files of the peer reviewed papers you retrieved during your research attached to your  submission.

Finally, demonstrate understanding and critical thinking.  Make sure that you present a solid conclusion. 

 KM TOOLS for example:

PowerBI and Tableau (for data analytics) Canvas (educational), Salesforce (sales and IT), Intranet,

many others CRM tools (Customer Relationship Management)

Google Cloud – cloud computing

NOTE:* Minimum  of 5 peer reviewed papers -ONLY- not older than 5 years of publication!