Executive Summary Of A Key Trend In HIT


Assess the implementation of health information technology applications and systems in relation to organizational business and patient care goals.


You recently attended the Healthcare Information and Management System’s Society (HIMSS) yearly conference in Orlando with several other leaders in your organization. The CIO has requested you each select one key trend from the module lectures and readings. Based on your selection, you are to create an Executive Summary that incorporates your module learnings, your own research, and include a recommendation for use of this trend within the organization. The CIO will select one Executive Summary for presentation to the HIT Innovation Steering Committee, so it should be persuasive and thorough.


Create an Executive Summary that includes:

  • Description of the trend and reason for recommendation (potential problem trend will solve)
  • Discussion of factors to be considered for implementation including adherence to policies, standards, and use of legacy systems
  • Explanation of anticipated benefits and minimization of risks
  • Summary on how trend ultimately supports interoperability and patient care goals (e.g., initiatives of ONC and CMS)
  • Reference page of resources utilized