Goal Setting

Goal Setting Template

Use backwards planning to set 1 monthly, 1 weekly, and 1 daily goal for your sales team. For each goal, write 1-2 sentences on what the goal is and what the sales team will need to do to achieve it.

For example, if a grocery store’s monthly goal is to sell 10 cases of bananas, their weekly goal might be selling 1 case of bananas by running a buy-one-get-one-free banana sale. To do this, the grocery manager might promote the sale in the weekly flyer and set up a banana-sale display in the store.

Complete and submit your assignment in this template.

Backwards Planning to Increase Car Sales by 10% in 1 Year
  Monthly Goal

(1-2 sentences)

Weekly Goal

(1-2 sentences)

Daily Goal

(1-2 sentences)

Sales Department