

Discussion Prompt:

For this week’s discussion:

· List and describe two issues associated with healthcare that would benefit from the appropriate application of healthcare data analytics. 

· Include a description of the issue and how the issue would benefit from appropriate use of data analytics.

For example: If we’re concerned about fraud and abuse. I would describe the issue as it relates to Medicare fraud (with examples of actual cases of Medicare fraud). I would describe how data analytics can be used to study patterns associated with known problems like excessive ordering of knee replacement surgery. If I found that particular providers submitted a large number of claims, that might be a signal to investigate further.  

To get started, you might want to read this brief article:

· “5 Ways Hospitals Can Use Data Analytics”( https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/5-ways-hospitals-can-use-data-analytic )

Criteria: The discussion response should be a complete paragraph, which includes a topic sentence (main idea), a body sentence (an example, a clarification, contextual or supporting detail), and a wrap-up sentence (next steps, recommended action). See Writing a Paragraph for clarification.