Peer Respond Discussion 3

Instructions to writer: this is a peer respond, please respond toIvisandValonie with a minimum of 150 words to each peer and at least1 academic resource to each peer.


Please respond individually to each peer. Example: “Hello Ivis I enjoyed reading your post and liked the points you made. I agree with you”, write what works best, this was just an intro example, but must meet this:

  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.

All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

I need this in APA Style. Thank you!


This’s Ivis Discussion Post ↓

Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care

The advanced practice nurse (APN) can apply a range of learning theories and principles to give patients high-quality care. Behaviorism, cognitivism, social learning theory, cognitive behavioral theory, self-efficacy theory, and constructivism are a few of the most practical theories.

Behaviorism is a learning theory that focuses on the observable behavior of learners. This theory is useful to the APN because it can help identify specific behaviors that need to be changed to improve health outcomes (Merriam, 2018). For example, if a behaviorist approach is used to identify a patient’s smoking behavior, the APN can change that behavior to improve the patient’s health (Merriam, 2018). Cognitivism is a learning theory that focuses on the mental processes of learners. This theory is useful to the APN because it can help to understand how patients learn and remember information. This understanding can then be used to design educational materials and interventions that are more likely to succeed (Merriam, 2018). For example, suppose a cognitivist approach is used to understand how patients learn about a new medication. In that case, the APN can design an educational intervention more likely to teach patients about the medication successfully.

According to the social learning theory, people pick up new skills by watching and copying the actions of others. Given that APNs frequently work one-on-one with clients, this notion is very pertinent to them. The APN can employ social learning theory to help clients learn new skills and model desired behaviors for them (Merriam, 2018). The cognitive behavioral theory posits that people’s thoughts and beliefs influence their behavior. This theory is useful for the APN in providing health care because it can help the APN understand how clients’ thoughts and beliefs may impact their health behaviors. Self-efficacy theory posits that people’s beliefs about their ability to perform a task or behavior influence their performance (Merriam, 2018). This theory is useful for the APN in providing health care because it can help the APN to understand how to motivate and encourage clients to change their health behaviors.

Constructivism is a learning theory that focuses on how learners construct knowledge. This theory is useful to the APN because it can help to understand how patients make sense of health information. This understanding can then be used to design educational materials and interventions that are more likely to succeed (Al-Rasbi, 2020). For example, if a constructivist approach is used to understand how patients understand the concept of “healthy eating,” the APN can design an educational intervention that is more likely to teach patients about healthy eating.

In addition to the learning theories, a few important learning principles are also relevant to the APN. One principle is that learning is an active process. This means that people learn best when actively engaged in the learning process (Merriam, 2018). The APN can encourage active learning by involving clients in their care and providing opportunities for them to practice new skills. Another principle is that learning is a social process (Mukhalalati& Taylor, 2019). This means that people learn best when they are working with others. The APN can encourage social learning by involving family members and other healthcare team members in the care of clients.


This’s ValonieDiscussion Post ↓

The advanced practice nurse needs to understand learning theories to best communicate with their clients and ensure the client understands their plan of care. Learning theories help nurses to understand their thought processes and the thought processes of patients and families during an interaction. The cognitive and social learning theories can be considered the most useful to the advanced practice (APN) in providing high-quality care to clients because they influence how the APN and the client receive and use new educational information to maximize care.

The cognitive learning theory is helpful to the APN in understanding the internal thought processes and motivations for learning for themselves and their clients. The cognitive learning theory focuses on learning through internalizing information with a focus on the individual’s perception and how it affects their information processing (McSparron et al., 2019). Therefore, the individual’s ability to learn is predetermined by their readiness, and they are more likely to retain information if they have reasonable expectations. According to the cognitive learning theory, learning is based on perceiving the data, interpreting it based on what is already known, and reorganizing the information to form new understanding (Bastable, 2017). This theory can help the APN provide high-quality health care to clients by making them aware of their opportunities to learn and creating learning opportunities for their clients. APNs can incorporate the cognitive learning theory when adopting new evidence-based practice guidelines. Although they may be comfortable with a standard method of practice, as new evidence becomes available to providers, they must maintain an attitude that promotes learning to perceive and interpret the information so that they can use it to benefit their clients. Similarly, when educating their clients on disease processes, the ANP must be cognizant of the learner’s goals and expectations in order to create an equilibrium of what the client already knows and their perception of the new information in order for the client to reorganize the information into new learning and understanding.

The social learning theory is useful to the APN in providing high-quality care to clients because it helps the APN and their clients to better retain new information that is taught. The social learning theory emphasizes the importance of modeling. The social learning theory establishes that people pay attention to role models and learn by observing others (Horsburgh & Ippolito, 2018). The model creates a connection between the teacher and the learner. The learner pays attention to the teacher, sees the behavior, internalizes what they see to retain the information, and reproduces it (Horsburgh & Ippolito, 2018). This theory is best exemplified by the student nurse practitioner and new APNs. They learn some of their practices by observing their preceptor or the experienced nurse practitioner and reciprocating what they learn with their future patients. Additionally, the APN may benefit from using this theory in patient education by incorporating communication that involves examples or using a teach-back method. For example, if a patient is newly diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes, the best method of teaching the patient about managing their diabetes with insulin may be to utilize a teach-back method that includes a hands-on model. Although the principle of self-injecting insulin to control blood sugars may be easily understood by a healthcare professional, the APN should understand that this is a foreign concept to the patient. Simply explaining the steps will not be enough for the patient to recall and implement in their daily lives. Self-administering insulin is a new behavior for the patient; therefore, they may best acquire this behavior by observing this action from the APN.