BM Assignment TT

Ted Talk Script – Due November 12


As environmental compliance requirements and workforce health and safety challenges continue to increase, oil and gas companies are tasked with reducing greenhouse-gas emissions while maintaining production and profitability. These efforts require a strong collaboration between safety and operations teams and can be challenging. Yet, they represent a transformative shift in approach in the industry toward a greater focus on public health and industry sustainability. Ted talk topic will discuss about how oil and gas companies can decarbonize and ways in which oil and gas companies can act.

Basics on Ted Talks:

  • Time limit: 6 minutes, 1000 words minimum
  • Draft your Ted Talk as a story – have your main arguments, facts and key takeaway outlined and then add some entertainment
  • You should explore the single topic with unwavering focus
  • Avoid tangents and loosely related facts and stats
  • Give your audience a clear takeaway from your presentation – you want your message to be easier to recall and likely to inspire action
  • No commercial agendas – no sales pitches, no extremist views, no religious agendas