Help With 401 Article Activity Review #3

Criteria for Article Critique Assignment



  1. Your work must be word-processed, 12 font, 1” margins on all sides, double spaced, 2 pages.
  2. Provide a brief overview of the article, its purpose, focus and audience
  3. Identify several key elements, concepts or ideas and discuss why they are important. Critique any strengths or weakness in the article and state your reasons for this opinion
  4. Select one or two key points or ideas and describe how you would use it in your teaching. Provide real or hypothetical examples
  5. Include a strong balance of personal reaction as well as summarized information




An example of the outline:


  1. Brief overview
  2. Key Points




  1. Strengths and Weaknesses of the article



  1. Implementing key points in the classroom
  2. Self-reflection for the assignment